Thursday, May 31, 2012


   Last night I was able to come across a blog that really impacted my life. People all around me are so grateful for everything that they have and sometimes they really don't have a lot, but that they are so thankful for the small and simple things. I also saw a post from a friend back home and he expressed his gratitude and love for his parents.
   There are so many wonderful people in my life. Last night I prayed for quit some-time asking Heavenly Father why am I am so loved to have these people set in my life to teach me and love me. This blog that I happened across is a boy that  I judged too quickly in the begging, but he is exactly the opposite of what I thought. I think we are friends, but I find myself liking him more and more, by the way he is. I have learned a lot from him though he may have not realized that he has been teaching me all along.

  I asked Heavenly Father to help me be more like Christ. I  want to be that example in other people's lives, the way they have for me. Even though they have had trails and things about them that I don't always like. Then again we all have things about us that we are struggling with. My roommate told me the other day that she tries to live by this saying " Hate the sin, and not the sinner" Cause we are suppose to be the Lords servants and love  those around us.

    I am so thankful for these Golden people In my life. They all become This Beautiful Golden color to me...when I learn to love them and not judge. Each of them bring something color to my life:)

I thought this was a good picture to go along with my post it is the City of Gold and from the movie Eldorado:)

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Our Bishop talked about taking each day to take 20 minutes of courage to talk  to someone else, to tell someone how we feel, to say hi, or smile at someone, to get out of our comfort zone.
I  for one can say its hard and sometimes you get hurt, but it makes me such a better person i feel, because I am stretching myself to be more out going to those around me.I am stretching myself in ways i never thought i could stretch!
I made a new friend today, and she was super nice, she invitited me to come hang with her tonight at a dance which should be a lot of fun:)
being courageous is a wonderful... thing... you'll be better for it:)

Friday, May 11, 2012


I am so blue this weekend! He was nice and sweet but it isn't going to happen, that isn't even the sad part... i am not sure what is.. just that I wanted to be distracted this weekend with good things and all the roommates are doing their own thing tonight, Its Friday the start of a weekend off of school and I have nothing going for me this weekend. 
 I hate that I am feeling so bad and down especially because I understand Him, and what he was feeling and i am not upset with him...he became golden to me! I just wanted to do something tonight and yet I am alone tonight... its quite sad. 
Well enough of my BLUENESS... and on to better happier things!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Brownie Boy

Brownie Boy... is my recent crush:)..  I know it seems kind of pointless to write about each  anything he crush that I have because it seems to not ever work out and then I hate that I had ever posted anything at all. but here it goes for those who have not heard it come from my mouth.I like this guy his nick name my roommates and i gave him... is brownie boy... i know kind of weird! He came to  gain this nickname by my endless endeavors of  trying to please boys with my vigorous cooking skills. so  after being in this class with Brownie Boy for three days a week, 4 classes total a week and all but one being an hour long... I couldn't help but start to like him. So i know this is kind of stocker-ish, but i realized he was walking in front of me and i wanted to get close and hear him say anything.then he stopped to talk to a roommate of his and i was still walking in front of him. He happened to catch up to me and I held the door open. i think we both thought the other was going to class in the snow building cause we didn't stop long enough to talk. I took on set of stairs and he took the other.. we came down at the same time and looked up and saw each other and grinned.. i think we both felt a little weird. so i slowed down... but  i guess not enough because i caught up,because  when i  happen to look up across the way he was walking and looking at me with a big grin on his face. so i kind of freaked out and grabbed my phone i called my roommate and after a few rings hung up after it was safe to say he was at his apartment and i was on my way home with no more weird encounters to interrupt my walk. Later The most brilliant idea of mine came to mind I was going to make him Brownies Hint brownie boy:) and i was going to take them over. he happen to not be there but, i left them with his roommate!
All i can say is i am as jittery as ever and i can't help be emotionally excited and sick to my stomach:)

Friday, May 4, 2012


I know that my last post was on being positive, and this may not seem positive, but I feel like I have had a
lot of positive thoughts and words said. I can't believe I allow Satan  to push me up and down these hills. i know trials are good and that they are for our profit and learning. Today I have had a lot of trials hitting me from every angle... like my paper that went wrong and then i fixed it and had someone critic it.. and then i know this one is kind of lame but I like this guy and it looks like he is not interested and I just feel so upset today.... I have felt like I have become closer to my savior these past weeks with reading in the Book of  Mormon.. and putting my faith in my heavenly father's hands. So I know that Satan is coming after me to pull me down to the depths of the sea, but I will get the better of him and i will continue to strive to be the better person. I am going to be happy with myself and with those around me:) heavenly father loves me and will not let me fall to the depths of the sea.