Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Three weeks in counting till school is letting out for Christmas break. I will also be off track until April. I can hardly believe that it is almost over. I guess time flys when you're having fun! Or maybe it's just when life gets busy:)
By the end of the three weeks I will have finished my first year of college. This is a big deal, because all the while, I complained that it was hard and that I didn't want to do anymore, but now look I am almost finish and I know that I will miss being around my fellow students, taking part in furthering my education.( and yes I know what you are probably thinking.... "And she is going to miss her social life, friends, and boys!" Well your right.) Though school will be out for s while, there is so much to look forward to. Christmas isn't to far off. I love being with my family. My brother Cheston is getting off his mission in January. I am so excited to have my big brother back around. So see there is much to be happy, and thankful for.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Can I just say I love this little Clara. While being in Boise, this little girl made me so baby hungry.
I don't think I have been so hungry for my own family. We become good friends, she and I.
Her little squeals, her noises, and her smile continued to make me smile. My smile went from ear to ear. She enveloped me with so much happiness.
Her brothers were a bit more crazy, but I sure love those boys too. Cameron was a cutie too. He asked if he could sleep in my bed. He told me he loved me and was sad that I had to leave Sunday. He is Mr. Bossy pants, but I just couldn't help loving the little man.
Gavin and Brogan were fun too. I was so glad to be apart of their Thanksgiving day. It just made me super hungry for my own family:)

Friday, November 23, 2012


Well this is the first time that I didn't go home or have my parents around for Thanksgiving. At first I wasn't sure about it, well in fact it kind of made me said to think I wouldn't be home this year.
 I realized that it didn't matter though, because I was still with family and it is. The holiday of giving thanks and I can do that anywere that I am. I was so glad I could come to my sisters house in Boise. I had Thanksgiving with Gillian and her family and my other sister Tressie. Also my brother in law Seth had his mother, mother's boyfriend and his grandpa over for dinner as well.
 It was been so. Nice to get away from school and homework, and to get some visiting in. While being here in Boise I got s nice new haircut and some blonde highlights. I love both, but I have to say having blonde hair again is so different, and I know I am going to miss having the dark hair, but it is kind of. Fun to be back to normal, sort of!
 Anyways I just want to say how thankful I am for my family and friends and for the gospel, I am thankful for a loving father in heaven and elder brother. I am so thankful for the prophet and for the quorum of 12 and all my leaders and teaches. I am so thankful for so many wonderful things in my life.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Today my stake had a Relief Society fireside. They talked about how our stake is super immodest.
Our Stake relief society president gave us a visual of what we were showing off to our priesthood leaders. It was really awkward because I didn't want to look at her as she, did the visual but I also knew she was trying to get our attention.
It was kind of sad, as she did this demonstration here family who came, cried, as they watched there mother and wife show the girls the way they looked and dressed. Our stake president and bishop had said it is awkward for them to do interviews when a lady is dressed inappropriately and immodestly. They Also could hardly look at sister Stansfield as she did her demonstration.
I don't think girls understand how big of a compact they have on men, yes the men need to not act on the thoughts they had , but we woman need to dress and act modestly this also means we need to say appropriate words too. We are suppose to help the men honor their priesthood. This means to be modest.
These guide lines are not to chain us down and make us feel like we have no freedom, but they are rules and laws to which we should live by because we want to because we love the lord and want to show him we love him and will obey him. It is also preparing us for our next step, to get married or go on a mission, or do both. How are we going to teach our children the right way to live if we don't live that way ourselves?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Is it Pride thing Or Is it just being Proud?

I can't help show off my work.
I don't feel like I am better then others,or that I an trying to portray that in anyway, I just feel like I am good. I like to show things off that I accomplish, especially when the work is hard and I feel like I did well.
As I sat in the air-walk today I couldn't help but put my interior design work out in front of me, as if it was an art show, were people would aww and ohh at it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Admitting or Not admitting

 So remember the last time I wrote in my blog about liking a boy? oh yes I thought you would. Well remember when I said that I probably shouldn't admit to the blog that I had certain feelings for a certain boy, because every time that I do this, nothing comes of it. Well I called it. The boy that i was sort of interested in, is currently interested in a different girl.

So I have come to the conclusion that I am going to stop thinking about it.If it happens, it happens. either way I am going to be happy with the life I am currently living. ( little voice in my head "don't lie to yourself Achsah, you can't help be attractive to golden handsome men, you were born to want to be a parent and bring children into the world, it is OK to want this, it is a righteous desire, just be patient") YES I do talk to myself. I do have conversations with myself all the time.

Anyways So to the readers that want to know about my romantic life, you'll have to find out another way, because I am not going to admit anything until the deal, is practically sealed.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

My sister, Tressie, her friend and I went to Beauty and the Beast play at the Rexburg Idaho Madison, High School.

The play was beautiful, so much talent. I really enjoyed being at the play. Lots of funny actors and they had a pit full of good orchestra players. One being my cousin, playing the violin, a friend I worked with at McDonalds here in the Burg. Last there was a boy playing the bass, who was in the family ward I attended when I first moved here. He is also the brother of the guy I went in a date with when I first moved here.

Again I just wanted to say how much fun I had. I wish I could of been apart of something so awesome. Maybe some day.
I always love the story of Beauty and the Beast. Belle is just beautiful and she is so real and kind. She falls in love with the personality of the Beast. Not the look, I just loved it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Turning over a new leaf in my life. I can honestly say I haven't been super good about reading or studying the scriptures. Or praying for that matter. This or last semester, but I am turning over a new leaf.
Well I have been reading my scriptures since Saturday, and I have been trying to pray morning and at night each day. I have already seen a big difference in my life.
I still have no idea to what I am going to do with my life fully, but I know that i need to continue to pray and read the scriptures, the Lord loves me and wants me to grow. The Lord also will not give me a trial that i cannot accomplish, or the means to accomplish what he has asked me to do.
I just want to say I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father & elder brother Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to know that I am a daughter if a king. I am so thankful for a Father who loves me so much that he let's me have these trials because he wants me to learn, and become like him.I am truly blessed!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Well as most of you know this is the month of being thankful. I really feel that we should be thankful for the things we have every month, not just the month of November, but I will voice the things I am thankful for in all my posts this month.
I just want to say that I am so thankful for my family. They are so loving and supportive of me. They are the people who have help to form the person I am today. They are the ones who truly know me, which I am so grateful for.
Some people ask if it is hard to be in a large family, yes sometimes, but mostly no. We have so much fun, and we support and love each other.
Heavenly Father knew what he was doing, when he put us into families.
I am thankful for my ward family and stake family. I am thankful for my immediate family and extended too. I am thankful for my apartment family and FHE family. Though sometimes, my FHE group could use a little a bit of growing up,but I love them none the less. I am so thankful for FAMILIES:)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hey everyone my new goal is to post at least once a week if not more. I am no longer going to have a Facebook, so if you want to know what I am up to you have come to the right place.

Wow these past few weeks have been up and down, you could say like a roller-coaster ride. Since General Conference, most girls are thinking and acting fast about mission papers. The numbers for missionaries sending in there papers and being called have gone up enormously. It has indeed been a thought that is entered into my mind. To as if i should go on one myself. I wasn't sure If that was something I was going to do,now or ever. I always thought I was going to come to Rexburg ID and go to school and get married fast, but there are more things that could happen now, and I haven't dated anyone in a serious way.

I love my Book of Mormon class and church meetings, and Devotional on Tuesdays. I have learned so much from my leaders and teachers and from the other students here on campus.

Though I still have no idea as to what I am suppose to do, I continue to pray and fast, and read my scriptures. When I find out you all will now:)