Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'm Alive and Well!

Life seems to move faster and faster the older I get. I get busy with living life, and forget to post. Sorry to my readers, who have wondered where I went off too. Yes I am still alive, and living!

I am still living here in Rexburg Idaho. No I am not going to school this fall semester, in fact I am unsure when I will return. I am figuring out a few things in my life right now. I guess I am a firm believer in trying to not go into debt. I went into debt a little bit from my first two semesters at BYU-I. Okay so maybe I haven't always believed in not going into debt, but I can see why we are asked to try to stay out of debt. It makes life tough, and stressful.

I just emailed a lady who has six children, and she will be going to school and her husband will be working a lot. She needed a babysitter. When I thought all was lost and that I would have to move back home, because I had no job, this ad come up and my prayers where answered. Not that going home is a bad thing. In fact I love my family so much and I miss them so much. It's just that it's even harder to find a job in little ole Colville Washington. There really is nobody my age. So no dating opportunities, And well I want to get married... someday. Rexburg is a place for me to be able to try dating people at least, and now I at least have some work available. Anyways, I will be able to stay longer here in Rexburg.

Well That's Just me! Until next time!!

You all have a good rest of your week now!!