Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Back at BYUI

I love, love, love my classes. I am so excited that I can be back at BYUI! All my classes seem like they are going to be a lot of fun! Especially Home and Family Management!

I love my roommates too so far! We had fun bonding last night. First we had a mandatory meeting and then we had to meet with the bishop! Afterwards we sang songs together and watched youtube video's.....

.....And when you think life can't get any better you wake up and your roommate is playing feel good music, the sun is coming out, and then you come to class, and many rooms around you are singing hymns or other churchy feel good songs, praying and being taught! I just love BYUI! I love the atmosphere, it is so inviting... Most of the time!

I am so glad I can be apart of this world, and of these experiences! It is the best!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Just Some Thoughts....In My Thinking Spot!

Wow well it has been a while since I've posted, I thought it was about time that I post again. So I am currently back in Rexburg , Idaho. School will be starting back up in week and a half... Yikes! I am so anxious for it to start up again, but so nervous. It's kind of weird to me that each semester is a little nerve racking for me, you'd think I'd get use to new wards and making new friends.

Actually speaking of friends, there is this guy that I so happen to think is super cute And I can't help but want to spend time with him, but for now we are just friends! At first when he told me he wasn't ready to commit and that we should still be friends, it made me so angry with him, but who am I to be angry at someone who is being fully honest with me and wants to still be my friend.
As much as I would like to not have to learn that hard lesson; I am also glad that God loves me so much that he is willing to teach me that lesson! Heavenly Father does love me and I am a daughter of a king! He has to try me so that I may grow and progress to the person that he wants me to become. I must allow my self to love myself and to be happy with life, to allow God to be enough, and then, hopefully someone else can see my beauty and will want to be with me and be happy with me!
I am so thankful that I can be a member of Heavenly Fathers church, and be in a family who loves and supports me and thatI have loving parents who taught me and still do teach me many things! I think sometimes I get in my head that I am done learning and now I have a plan for myself, but there is always room for learning in fact Heavenly Father wants is to keep learning, and he has a plan for us, which doesn't always go in hand with our own plan, but he knows us and knows what will make us happy, and he knows what we can handle, so we would do best to just have faith and hope in him! I have a lot of room for improvement and I need to still learn things, but I know that I can call upon Heavenly Father for help, and on family and friends! We don't have to do all alone, and need to be humble enough to realize that and ask for help!