Tuesday, January 29, 2013


OK the title is a little miss leading. I didn't mean to sound as if I am a big loser, or that I was robbed or something, unless you say losing 10 lbs is being robbed then rob me again!

I have decided that dieting is just not for me. Instead I am going to call it a life change. Every time I decide that I am feeling too unhealthy and overweight I try to diet... I lose some pounds and then go back to what I was doing and eating before. Well not again, this girl is going to make a choice for good, to become healthier and to incorporate exercise into my life. I am tired of feeling sick and bad about myself.

I started about two weeks ago and I have not only, just tried to watch my calorie intake, but I am trying to have portion contol. One plate and it can't be heaping, and not to much of one thing. I can say that I am feeling better about myself and my body is thanking me for this choice to be healthier!

I have also realized that it is a process and to not beat myself up if I choose to have a treat once in a while, or to continue to eat things I love, but instead try to make those choices more healthier. I also figured that reading the scriptures and praying for help, staying close to Heavenly Father is helping me be better on this life change. I want to take care of the body that God gave me. Third I find writing down my progress and keeping track of my calorie intake has helped a lot too. I can always go back and look at what I have accomplished and those feelings I had.

I have a father that I love so very much. He has diabetes, and is heavy. I see how tired he is and I don't want to be tired like that or have to give myself a shot everyday to check my sugars or give myself insulin. I think in a since my dad has soon me what I don't want to happen to me. I love him and I hate seeing him so tired and seeing him not feel so good all the time.

I am calling this a life change because I don't want it to be just a one time for a short period of time I want it to be something I work at doing always.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

30 days of being productive!


Today I decide to take a walk to the Public Library to get a book. The book I decided on was an art book. I love Art, I love making things beautiful or seeing other peoples art! I did a few sketches today when I got back from the Library. It was fun to sit down and go at it. It feels good to do things I like and things I feel good about. I am by no means a great artist but I enjoy it and I feel I do fairly well. I think this world would be dull with art, because not only is painting or drawing the only art form, but there are sculpures, and I believe Archeticture is an art form. I think any way of putting together something to create beauty or capture moments is art. If you think of it, our world is so full of art, weither we like it or not, there is much. I learn in my College art class to open up to more art. My teacher says "that we get so use to our "NORM" that we don't or we aren't willing to give other wonderful things a chance. I never thought in my life I would like a Silent film, but found they can be intertaining and that they are just an other art form. It's good to have diversity!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Laundry Mat

Well who would have thought that I would ever have too visit the Laundry Mat? Well I sure didn't!
At first I was kind of judgmental, I know I am a terrible person. I thought I am not a bum on the street doing my laundry, I am not super poor, but as I sat there for three and a half hours I came to the conclusion, that I needed to be more positive and less judgmental. That these people could be living in an apartment were there was no laundry machines, or they could have just had their machines break like us, or maybe they can afford other things but not their own machines but, they have money to come do it at a laundry place.
It wasn't a waste after all. I got taught a lesson and I spent that time with my dad. He told me stories of his Grandma and of his childhood today. We talked about my old memories of living next door to my dad's eldest sister Linda and brother in law Jay and their family, in Malad Idaho. It turned out to be a pretty good afternoon even though I was tired and sore. So thanks Dad for a good time. And thank you Heavenly Father for still loving me even after my judgmental thoughts and loving me enough to teach me to be more understanding. Also softening my heart to be more kind and allowing my heart to go out to others.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2 2013 The New Year

Wow, it's been a while since I have blogged. So to catch everyone up with what I have been up to. I recently finished fall semester and first year of college at Brigham Young University of Idaho. I also moved home. I will be home for a while... Until April, when I will return to the Burg for spring semester.
I am not really sure what I will be doing while I am home, but I am learning to try to relax and also to be patient with the Lord.
We had a wonderful Christmas. And a good New Years. My Grandma Phillips came to visit and will be around until my brother Elder Cheston Farley returns a week from Thursday from his mission in Belo Horitonte Brazil and gives his report in church, then she will start to make her way back home.
I am excited for this next year and what it will bring for me. 2012 was a good year, with many trials that have strengthened me there was also good times. With the love of my father in heaven and savior Jesus Christ I was able to get past those trials and see the good it brought. I was able to go in so many ways.
So 2013 Bring it on:)