Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I am not sure what I  am suppose to write, all I know is that I felt impressed to blog. So this will be a random flow of thoughts that i'll express

Today has been a nice warm day, the sky being baby blue, the trees being green. With a fresh breeze in the atmosphere around me. It has been two months since I have moved into the Pines, and still the hammers and trucks sound off in the background. Early morning to Late at night they work hard to bring this building up into the sky. Off in the distance A jet is flying across that baby blue sky. The sun falling behind the mountains indicating that it is time to settle down and get ready for a good night's rest.

All around are loud students who are out of class and are done with their homework yelling and laughing.. enjoying each others company.  Noise continues into the wee hours of the morning someday's, but we all know that is just part of college adventure.

Birds tweet all day long... this gets me thinking on the this beautiful world even though everything in it is not perfect and there are so many things to learn and grow from, but as I ponder on this world it brings up another thing... the plan of salvation.... of families...being sealed for eternity... of how we can once again be united with Heavenly Father and Jesus my elder ... and how can we not find joy each day just knowing this and why can things not worth it get us down!

I am so thankful for my Family and their love and support... I am so thankful for the gospel in my life.. and for Jesus and his atoning blood for my sins.. that he and only he can understand what I am going through in any circumstance... and I am  thankful that out of all the people in the world he can be there for me. i am so thankful for my friends and their love and support! Hope who ever reads this likes it.. cause That's Just Me:)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

How did Christ do it?

Right now I have so much on my mind. Everything lately, is my fault and I think it's not fair, that is what is happening. It's my fault that I don't want to stay at a party I don't feel super comfortable at... and that my "roommate" wants to stay to see someone that is there... so it's my fault that when I leave she doesn't feel comfortable to be alone so it's my fault she doesn't get to see the person she wants to see. I don't like that it's my fault it's not my fault she has a choice to stay and wait to see if this person shows up or not.. to quit always relying on me or a different roommate cause she doesn't like to go alone. It's my fault she is mad and doesn't want to come to a movie because she is still upset about the other thing that happened.

   I am already an emotional person and sensitive when people make fun of me... So it's already bad that my roommates make fun of me when I say Library wrong.. it makes me self conscious and I slow down when I say that word... so not only do they make fun of me for that they make fun of me for other words I say, this makes me never want to talk or tell another story in my life to them...I try to let things go and pick my fights so that I am not always getting upset with them, but sometimes I can't help being upset about this.

How did Jesus do it.... How did he let what people did and said about him go... How did he forgive them so openly and so fast? I do not understand how he did it cause it is a every day battle against having hard feeling against someone. That's Just Me:)

Sunday, June 17, 2012


Everything has a time and a place.Sometimes I am in a hurry to move on and have the next thing happen. Sometimes I forget that I am not the one in charge, but God is. He has a plan and he knows what is best for me.

 Even though I am going through this hard time ... and I don't always agree with my roommates or others that are around me. I am thankful for them and there consistent of being around and trying to  help me be a better person.

This is a same post and I don't know if anyone is reading it but If  you are just remember that the Lord loves you and its the lord's timing not yours. There is a place and a time for everything! I am not Perfect,
That's JUST ME:)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today's post is all about this day. Today has been a wonderful day. I wrote letters to my roommates last night, but they all found them this morning:)
     I am so glad that I got up and went  to class then allowing myself to use the excuse that I am tired. I got to talk to so many wonderful people today. I talked to Kelsea and Andrew from my science foundations class. Then I went and browsed the student campus store for an hour just taking some time for my self to think and ponder. Then as I was coming out of the student store I saw Michael a guy that I met from the pines that hangs out with the girls from apartment #15. Then I headed up to Crossroads. While I waited for my roommates Brenna and Tiffany to get out of class and come to met me there, I saw Nate, Michael's roommate:) I said hi and waved to him:) Then my roommates came and we went and grabbed Brunch since it was too late for breakfast and too early for lunch. We visited for a bit and then Brenna and I were going to go home but decided to go to the Spori instead and look at the art. I am glad we could go see that building cause it is way beautiful and I stinkin love it.

    When we were done we decided it was time to go home. We went through the snow and I look up and thought I saw a guy that looked like Gage, taking a double look and then realized it wasn't him, the funny thing though is that Gage was right next to this other guy and he waved and we waited for a second and we talked for a minute. Gah what a good day it has been.

   I got home and Brenna and I checked the mail and there was a package for the apartment from Alice the roomie that had to move back home. There was a letter and a dinosaur toy, bubbles and cookies for each of us:)  This day is so wonderful and I am going to let it keep getting better-
That's Just Me:)
This Says It All!

Monday, June 11, 2012


I was feeling like I needed a change.  So I cute my bangs yes I cute them, I thought I did pretty good. anyways this is a very sort post but I felt that I would post about my bangs.

Friday, June 8, 2012


  The past few days I have really been into making bread. I mad rolls the other day, and then my roommate Brenna and I made cinnamon rolls and I thought they turned out pretty good. We took some to our FHE bro's house... our Relief Society Pres. said we spoiled them so much and treated them so good. Well I love to cook and share my work with others, but I can say I probably won't make future FHE bro's food all the time.
       Tonight my roommate Alice invited a lot of people over for a pizza night... here again more bread:) My soul couldn't be much happier, but my stomach is probably not going to take it as well. Actually this week has been quite a sad week... Alice is moving home tomorrow, a friend that I care about is into someone other but, hey I don't know if he likes me or if he knows I like him. My roommate "Salt" says it's not over until he has a ring on his finger:)
       One really good thing that happened though is that Brenna's father bought Bill Cosby tickets for her birthday. So she took me, it was way good and so much fun. I needed a night out anyways, Brenna has a way of showing up when I needed to be saved. i guess you could say she is my Savior, but not in a sac-religious way if that makes since. Well That's Just Me:)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


    When you walk by someone, say something, anything nice. Don't just stare at that person coming towards you. It's weird and rude to stare. All you have to say is hi,hello,morning,evening,afternoon, or something like that. 

   When someone says Hi or something nice as they come by have the curtsy to say hi back or smile or something. Don't give them a weird look.

   Saying something can influence someone days in a good may never know how much you have made there day by doing this. Or how much you just changed their life... what if they are dealing with a lot and just needed a your friendly smile and a hello, to know that they are not invisible and cared about.
(This One is for you From Me to you:))
 Sorry I know this might be Childish to some who read this, BUT it is a serious PET PEEVE of mine and I CAN'T stand it when people act that way and, 
                                                                      That's Just Me:)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Yesterday was a great day, minus a few things that happened that made the day not so wonderful. I hate that just one or two little things can make your day seem bad. Last night I pondered on a few things and then discussed with my roommate what was bothering me and she also said some of the things bothered her.

   We came to conclusion that Satan is not going to have that kind of power over us. It is our life and we will not allow him to dictate our feelings. I feel like I am a wonderful person and that I have a lot to offer, but it's not all about me. I am going to be more of a Christ Like person. There are people who are in a state of mind that is more severe and worst than I am. I am going to be much more Stronger, loving and a caring Servant of the Lord.

      I know that I have to be OK with myself before I help others. So I am going to Love myself all the time and that will allow me to love you and serve others all the time. I Am ready to Conquer the world but of course with the Lords help:) "LET'S CONQUER THE WORLD TOGETHER!"

I chose these pictures Because they show us that walking that slack-line is hard and so is life sometimes, but having a shoulder there to help you walk that line it was easier. Sometimes we need others there to help us Conquer each day... but most of all we need our  God, and he  is there and he will always be there. He is just a prayer away..he cares and want us to come to him. He loves us so much and wants only the best for each of us. SO LET'S CONQUER THE WORLD TOGETHER!