Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Lady's and Gentlemen.  I am here once again to inform you with the  facts, okay maybe the opinions of my life. For your sake I hope that you will be able to read and fine excitement in my blog. First on the list!
Summer has let out for the Madison school District. I was asked by my boss if I would continue to stay on for the duration of summer school. It's a love/ hate relationship. You see I love kids, I love working.. (for the most part anyways), I love to stay busy, but every person needs a break from the normal activities that fill our every day lives. Can I say that I am actually really excited that I am almost half way through summer school and can hardly wait for it to end? I am ready for camping, visiting, swimming, and most of all being able to do whatever and not be constricted to only a few hours before I have to go back to work.

I am still living in the burg. The other day my dear friend Sister Kailey Degraw wrote to me and asked me if I would still be in Rexburg in January. I told her that Unless I die, or Heavenly Father tells me to move I probably will be here a great portion of may years to come. I like Rexburg pretty well, and as most of you know... well if you keep up with my blog or with my facebook, I am dating a young man here. So as I see it if  our relationship continues to flourish I will be here for  many a year.

For those who have not read or heard the story of this mighty knight on his trusty stead, I will brief you, quickly. We meet in March 2014. He is in my YSA ward (young Single Adult ward). The first time I saw him if I may say, I thought he was not very attractive and his mannerism for some reason made me think of Mr. Bean. Weird huh? Well with a few days difference I found myself really liking this guy. I invited him to come watch Avengers with my Friend Jessica and I after Home Evening. The whole night I kept seeing his hand get closer and closer. By the end of the movie his hand was touching mine. We continued to see each other... at the library, at church, at Home Evening and institute. He than asked me to go on a date. Our first official date was to a musical play put on by BYUI students. It was the best date I have ever been on. That next week after our ward talent show, by the way he got me to sing at with him, asked me to be his girlfriend. From there we have had many laughs, many interesting moments, some tough times, lots of good times. He continues to amaze me and he treats me like the princess and future queen I am to be. I look forward to having many more experiences with him. He is an amazing guy, and I just love him to pieces.

As many of you may know I have two sisters expecting another child this year. I also have two sister in-laws expecting their first child this year as well. I have 18 nieces and nephews and I am excited to be having more added to our family. I also have a sister who is doing Chemo and Radiation and ask that you will keep her in your prayers. She just started her first treatment today. She went in for pretesting yesterday. I love her so much and I wish I could be there for all of her treatments, but since I can't I ask that any who read this pray for my sister Codi. Thank you.  Well folks I think that is all for now. have a great day and a grand week.