Thursday, March 14, 2013


I think that I must being prepared to be a mother one day, because I have been glimpses of what a mothers Joy/heartache, mostly joy though. I would use the word Joy in that bringing a child into the world is a work and a wonder. It is a miracle, and a joy. I would say hard ache, maybe  heartache is not the right word to use, but in using I just mean all the things of seeing you kids choice to do wrong, or when they get hurt or sick.

Last night was just another glimpse into being a mother. I have been staying with Kylie my sister and her family for a week and a half now. Well those who know my sister, went in today to the hospital to have her fourth child and first boy. So I am here to help watch the girls for a few days while Kylie remains in the hospital. Last night Jacilynn throw up all over the floor. Anyone who is anyone does not want to clean up puke or smell it. Well for me my stomach gets weak, and I automatically think I am sick and can't handle it. Well Knowing that Kylie had to get up in a hour and a half to go to hospital, and jacilynn wouldn't go let her know that she'd puked, I got up the courage to clean that puke of the floor and tell her to get in the tub. I am sure I almost died, but I just felt sorry for the girl, that she was sick and didn't feel well, wanting to take away the sickness ( without taking her sickness upon me though, of course) 

I will get the opportunity to help Rileigh get to school and pick her up from the bus stop, help the younger too get food in their bellies and changed for the day. Help them bath if they need it. I  believe that the lord is preparing me with kids, in taking care of them and going through hard things, for one day when I will have my own children.

We are told that being a mother is the best job out there, that it will be the greatest joy in our lives to create and bring life into this world, I believe it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

30 lbs Baby!

So just a quick update, I have made my 30 lbs goal. Yep that't right i have lost 30lbs actually I have lost 32lbs. Yeah Me!

I am so proud of myself for pushing on through, even when there were so many temptations to give into.

I could not have done it without friends and family around me to support me. And my heavenly Father. Thank you for all your support. And again sorry for those who read my blog who are tired of reading about my weight lost. I hope that it isn't annoying and more a motivation for you to go for what you think isn't possible, because it is possible, with friends and family there to help you, and a loving heavenly father that wants so much for you! Have some Faith and shoot for that dream, what ever it may be.