Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It's turkey month. I thought this post was perfect. I just want to name a few things I'm thankful for.

 I am thankful for my family. I love them all so much and am so thankful to have such wonderful people in my life that love me and support me.
I am thankful for my father in heaven and for his son Jesus Christ who loves me and took upon my sins so that I might find happiness and be able to one day return to my father in heaven

I am thankful for Joseph smith and his faith and persistence  at restoring the gospel to the earth. I am glad I can be apart of the Latter Day Saints church. 

I am thankful for my wonderful boyfriend Mikael Edelmayer, who has made me so happy. I am thankful for his love and for  the  things he puts up with. I am glad for the chance to know him, even through some of the difficulties we have had were hard, I'm thankful for those too.

I am thankful for his wonderful family who've taken me in and loved me. For their kindness and friendship. i am thankful for their welcoming smiles and words. I am thankful for his mom watching out for me and trying to help me find a job.I love you guys.

I am thankful for my friends and for the support and love I have been getting. I can't believe I'm saying this but I am glad that even through the embarrassing crazy times you love me and can laugh at me and with me. I'm glad you love me and feel close enough to laugh at me and with me, and tease me because if you couldn't then I wouldn't be able to laugh off as much as I have. 

I'm thankful for good fun seasons and holidays. Especially Thanksgiving as we gather the gratitude in our hearts and try to be more Christlike around Christmas and thanksgiving time. I am thankful for the opportunity to see the things in our lives that god has done for us and try to change to follow his sons example.  I hope everyone has a wonderful thanksgiving and remembers to be grateful for all things.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I think Mr. Sandman put me to sleep.. But I'm back and awake

So much has changed since the last time I blogged. Life just seems to get away from us and keep going, and I forget to keep family, friends and other fellow readers posted. In this post it will to catch you all up with my life.

For the past two months I have lived with my cousin Becca Klingler, in my brothers apartment. My brother is getting married in two weeks from today. They decided that getting an apartment two months before they were to be married would actually save them a lot of money in the long run. My brother Cheston asked if I would live in his apartment until his fiancé Christy could move in. Becca and I had so much fun in those two months. We got so close. Laughed a lot, watched movies together, made meals together, and started dating boys together, which brings me to my next thought.

I am currently dating a fellow named Mikael Edelmayer. We dated a little before, but nothing really worked out until now. I think before we both had some growing up to do and some changing. We have been dating for a month, and a week and a half. It has been fun because my cousin and friend started dating another fellow. His name is Mykal Forsgren. Both our guys are really good friends and so we get to do a lot if things together, which has been a blast.

I stopped dieting for a while, but I tried to still eat healthy. I think that exercising and eating even better are in order. Today I ensued my self and I was. 168.0 lbs. this is my lowest weight yet and I told myself I will not gain it back during the holidays.

My whole family is going to try to make it to Rexburg ID for Thanksgiving and also for my Brothers wedding! It's been three months since I've seen my parents and siblings in WA., and it's been even longer since I've seen my sisters Gillian and her family and Michelene and her family. I just love the holidays! I love family! 

Last night we got our first November Snow of the year. I am not sure if kn happy or annoyed, or both. Snow has good and bad things about it! I guess right now I choose to be happy about it.

Well I think that's all folks! Happy reading! I tried to not be a boring writer! Have a fantabulous weekend