Monday, May 23, 2016

Preparing me for something BETTER!

Do you ever wonder why we experience good times and hard times in our lives? Do you ever find yourself asking why something is happening to you? So many of us think we are entitled. By this I mean we think life should be full of fresh lemonade. We think we shouldn't have to have hard things happen to us, because it isn't fair or because you are a good person. It is hard to see others go through hard things and its hard to get through your own tough situations, but how would we ever prove to ourselves that we can be something so much more. We are so capable of becoming whoever we want to be. We are capable for so much more than we give ourselves credit for.

My husband and I have gone through so many trying times in the past year. It is amazing ever time, that we were able to push pass those hard times. We have grown so much. Let me tell you though, that there were many times I found myself asking why we had to go through the trial we were going through. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a year and a bit. ( I know this is nothing compared to what many people go through, but this is real to me and is something we struggle with.) I have been to so many appointments this last year. Finally this last appointment my Dr. put me on a pill that is suppose to help me have a regular period. I am also on another pill that will help me to ovulate correctly. I am finally feeling that there is hope and that we are getting somewhere with this process.

The process along the way, has really helped me to grow. I never realized how much it has prepared me for the person I am today. My little sister came to live with us in February this year. We have loved to have her here. We have also learned so much from having her in our home. William and I have learned together and about each other, and how we both react to certain things. This has helped us to see how we want to do things with our future children.

We recently got a kitten. We love her so much. She is also a brat and very frustrating at times. She likes to bite and play rough. She likes to chew all the cords and blankets. It has been a growing process in training her what is okay and what is not okay. I keep thinking of all these things I am experiencing, and I see how it is preparing me to be kind and patient for our future children. It is helping me practice now to be kind and patient with my husband, sister and kitten now as well.

 I have a friend who is going through a really rough time right now. She questions a lot why these things are happening to her. She says its unfair. It is unfair and it is hard, and some of these hard things she is experiencing is because of someone else's choices. I know she is strong though and that she will be able to get through these hard time in her life. I know she will become so much better for going through this trial. She has already made some good changes that she was opposed to doing.  

I know I have a loving Heavenly Father.. He knows me, he knows how much I can handle. He wants me to have all that he has, and I know that He allows me to go through hard times, so that I can be strengthened and grow into a bigger and better person, I am truly grateful for all the trials that have helped me grow into the women I am today. I hope that all that read this, will be able to find some peace as you go through your own hardships. I hope that you realize we all have hardships, custom for us... to help us grow.