Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Just living it up In Rexburg

After much looking, applying to jobs, rewriting my resume, I finally landed a job. I am working as a Bus Aide for Rexburg Idaho Madison Public School. I aide for a special needs bus. I get to work several hours a day with lots of different kids. I love kids, so this job is perfect for me. There is this really cute kid that rides in the morning. His name is flash. I think he was kind of nervous of me helping him, but of late we have become buddies. He loves my black leather gloves and wants to hold my hand until we drop him off for school. Today was so good, you can never have a bad day with these kids, even if they aren't always happy. they seem to put a smile on my face one way or another. Flash was in a super good mood today, as I helped him get buckled in his seat, he held my hand, but that isn't all he was all smiles. It just melts my heart. There is this other kid that rides and his name is Joseph. He is a Latino, so his English isn't always good, but it doesn't seem to matter to me. I just listen to him talk and try to answer him the best I can. On Monday I wore my salmon colored shirt and it has a big bow on the front of it. He told me he liked my shirt and it was pretty. He was all smiles too:) I have to share about this one kid that rides the bus, and than we can move on. His name is Timothy, he has four brothers and one sister. out of all the kids, Timothy and his brother Matthew have autism, and they think his younger brother Dwight has autism too, but it is still too early to tell for sure. Anyways Timothy is a handful and sometimes not a very nice, happy camper, but I still talk to him every morning and every afternoon. The other day I asked him how he was his response was " Fine, hey it's you again" ( it was said in a none appraising way) I said yep Get use to it, ill be around for awhile. I asked him if he was excited for school. He said "uh no, now go away." Today as we went home, it was snowing and he was singing jingle bells over and over and over until we dropped him off. I don't know if we are friends yet, but I am determined to make friends with him, especially because he makes me laugh.

Okay enough about my Job. I am no longer dating Mikael. To be honest it was really hard at first. I think I tried to hide it. In the process of that I allowed myself to not feel anything for a week. When I finally opened my heart it hit, and not gradually or soft, but hard and all at once. After a few days of being sad about it, I felt that i still needed to be patient with him, but that I do not need to wait around for him to figure out what he wants. And who knows, he may never want me again. So I was able to grieve, get pass that even if he doesn't want me, I still have worth and I will find someone that does want me.

That brings me to the next line of business! I probably shouldn't put this on here, especially because everytime that I put something on here about my crush, it ends up not working out. I guess that is silly because I don't believe in vudoo and I believe that the Lord has a plan so if it doesn't work out it's because it isn't suppose to work out. I met this guy in my ward. He is super nice, super cute. super amazing:) ha ha I had him over for Sunday dinner and we watched the Newer Winnie the Pooh movie. We talked and laughed and just had a good time. I would really love to get to know him more, and potentially see if anything could go anywhere. I loved how he talked about his mission. I loved how he talked about his family and his nephews. It is hard for me to get out of my shell sometimes, but I felt it went well. I saw him at FHE and we talked and he smiled at me. It was kind of funny as I talked to one of the other aides for the buses, she said it is funny how LDS girls who get hugged or nudge elbows with a guy get weak at the ankles and have tickles running up and down their body. I had to agree that it was funny but true, and oh man I am proud to say I am a LDS girl who gets weak at the ankles when a guy hugs me or nudges me ( mostly in a guy I am interested in) 

Well that is all for now. I will stop blubbering. Hope you all have a great rest of your week.

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